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Couverture de With Patience and Fortitude

With Patience and Fortitude

De : Christine Quinn
Lu par : Christina Delaine
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    Christine Quinn, candidate for mayor of New York City, is the first female and first openly LGBT Speaker of the New York City Council. In her memoir, With Patience and Fortitude, she shares the inspiring story of her life, her career, and the city she loves.

    Speaker Quinn talks about growing up in a middle-class, Irish family and describes the people and events that have shaped who she is and the beliefs she has dedicated her life to fight for. After her mother died when Christine was 16 years old, she began carving her own path, setting her sights on work that would make a difference in the world. Yet she would ultimately have to face coming of age in a world where both women and gay people had no choice but to fight for their dreams.

    Over time, she met those challenges both personal and professional with patience and with fortitude.

    ©2013 Christine C. Quinn (P)2013 HarperCollinsPublishers

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