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Couverture de With Banners Raised

With Banners Raised

De : Kyra Anderson
Lu par : Kyra Anderson
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    Civil War is threatening to overtake America as the Coalition fights to dismantle the predatory institution of the Commission of the People. But when the Coalition destroys a new government building, they may have angered an enemy too powerful for them to defeat.

    With the Coalition creating chaos in the capital city of Central for over a year, the people are becoming fatigued, and the Coalition is becoming desperate for change. Amelia finds herself caught in a war, not only with Central, but with herself, wondering if the Coalition is changing into something she does not recognize. A shaky alliance with another extremist group creates a radical shift in the priorities of the Coalition, creating tension among Amelia and her closest comrades. But when the Coalition gets the chance to attack the Commission of the People directly, they need all the allies they can get.

    Even knowing the dangerous enemy they have enraged, Amelia works with allies new and old to strike at the heart of the oppression in America–the Commission of the People. But she finds herself questioning if her small group of revolutionaries can topple the powerful government, or if they will suffer a crushing defeat that will leave America at the mercy of Central.

    ©2022 Kendra Amidon (P)2023 Kendra Amidon

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