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  • Wired for Music

  • A Search for Health and Joy Through the Science of Sound
  • De : Adriana Barton
  • Lu par : Adriana Barton
  • Durée : 9 h et 22 min

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Wired for Music

De : Adriana Barton
Lu par : Adriana Barton
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    • Moving personal story: Barton’s experience of practicing classical cello until she was burned out in her twenties, then rediscovering the healing powers of music later in life, is both heartrending, relatable, and uplifting.
    • Guided by research: Barton distills years of research, drawing from music theory, medicine, art, history, biology, anthropology, and Indigenous and local knowledge.
    • Inspirational: listeners will come away with ideas and tips for working music therapy into their daily lives.
    ©2022 Adriana Barton (P)2022 Greystone Books


    “Music, as much as language, is part of our essence as human beings. Since time immemorial every group of people has expressed who they are with music and employed it as a social glue and a healing elixir. Wired for Music seamlessly chronicles the universal power of music, rhythms, and synchrony to establish and maintain human connections, joy, and empathy. Beautifully written from both the heart and the intellect, it gives us a riveting account of how melodies and rhythms connect us, and help us deal with alienation and anxiety. May every parent and teacher—everybody who aspires to make our world a better place—read this wonderful book.”—Dr. Bessel van der Kolk, author of The Body Keeps the Score

    “Witty and soulful, this will delight music fans.”Publishers Weekly

    "If you’ve ever drifted away from a once-loved piano in the basement or an old guitar in your closet, this book will lead you home. Barton reminds us that our relationship with music doesn’t have to be quite so complicated. Smart, healing, enlightening, and uplifting. It’s pitch-perfect. I just loved it."—Dr. Jillian Horton, author of We Are All Perfectly Fine: A Memoir of Love, Medicine and Healing

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