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Couverture de Winter into Spring: Seasons of the Sword #1-2

Winter into Spring: Seasons of the Sword #1-2

De : David Kudler
Lu par : Julia Kudler, Allison Hiroto, Maura Vaughn, David Kudler, Mandy Abrazarro
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Les membres Amazon Prime bénéficient automatiquement de 2 livres audio offerts chez Audible.

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    Can One Girl Save A School - and Herself?

    Contains Risuko And Bright Eyes, As Well As Six Prequel Stories!

    Kano Murasaki, called Risuko, is a young, fatherless girl, more comfortable climbing trees than down on the ground. Yet she finds herself enmeshed in a game where the board is the whole nation of Japan, where the pieces are armies moved by scheming lords, and a single girl couldn't possibly have the power to change the outcome.

    Or could she?

    At the Full Moon, an isolated mountain school for training young women to become shrine maidens (and much more), Risuko finds friends, challenges, and danger. Intrigue, poison, invasion, murder she must survive from winter into spring if she is going to figure out who she is truly going to be.

    This thrilling collection contains the first two novels in the award-winning teen historical fiction series Seasons of the Sword. Winter into Spring includes a half-dozen short stories set before the novels, exploring the characters and world.

    ©2016,2022,2024 David Kudler (P)2024 David Kudler


    "Bright Eyes is imaginative, original, exceptionally well written, and highly recommended." - Midwest Book Review

    "Risuko is an artfully crafted novel that evokes a heavy sense of place and enchantment. Risuko's development and evolution are fascinating to watch in this powerful and relentless coming-of-age adventure." - Foreword Reviews Magazine

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