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Couverture de Winter at the Stables on Muddypuddle Lane

Winter at the Stables on Muddypuddle Lane

De : Etti Summers
Lu par : Rebecca Sharp
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    Indulge yourself in snowflakes and hot chocolate with this cosy festive romance….

    Widowed Megan Barnes used to love horses when she was a child, but the last thing she expected was for her deceased husband’s final gift to her to be a series of riding lessons, culminating in a trek through the snow.

    Nathan Windrush is perfectly content with things just the way they are. He adores his job at the stables, and if he ever feels lonely he has his dog, the horses and a donkey to talk to.

    But when Megan and Nathan meet, Megan finds herself attracted to him despite her feelings of guilt and betrayal, and Nathan begins to see Megan as more than just another horsey customer.

    As winter’s grip tightens on the stables on Muddypuddle Lane, will Megan’s heart remain frozen in grief, or will the growing chemistry between her and Nathan be enough to thaw it? And does Nathan feel able to compete with her husband’s memory and try to win her love?

    This is the fourth novella in the Stables on Muddypuddle Lane series, and although it can be read on its own, you’ll have much more fun if you read the books in sequence and you’ve followed Petra and Harry’s story from the beginning.

    All the books in the series:

    Spring at the Stables on Muddypuddle Lane

    Summer at the Stables on Muddypuddle Lane

    Autumn at the Stables on Muddypuddle Lane

    Winter at the Stables on Muddypuddle Lane

    Valentine Kisses at the Stables on Muddypuddle Lane

    The Patter of Tiny Feet at the Stables on Muddypuddle Lane

    Wedding Bells at the Stables on Muddypuddle Lane

    Christmas at the Stables on Muddypuddle Lane

    ©2021 Etti Summers (P)2022 Etti Summers

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