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Couverture de Winter Warpath

Winter Warpath

De : B.N. Rundell
Lu par : Scott Miller
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    When faced with the monster of vengeance, you have to ask: Whose blood will paint the white of the woods?

    It was supposed to be a cozy winter in their new cabin, but it started with a cantankerous silvertip grizzly wreaking havoc on everything. That would prove to be the least of their problems in the coming winter….

    After a trading foray to visit their neighbors, the Salish, two days north, everything seemed to get turned upside down. They found themselves in contested territory with a band of honor-seeking young bucks from the Siksika band that sought to gain scalps and captives from their sworn enemies, the Salish. And that wasn’t enough to upset their peaceful plans, but when Gabe, or Spirit Bear, found out the Blackfoot had stolen the mares bred by his stallion and were carrying foals that belonged to him, it became personal.

    ©2020 Wolfpack Publishing (P)2022 Wolfpack Publishing

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