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Couverture de Winter Storms

Winter Storms

De : Elin Hilderbrand
Lu par : Laurel Lefkow
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    Gather under the mistletoe for one last round of carolling with the Quinn family in this heartwarming conclusion to Elin Hilderbrand's best-selling Winter Street Trilogy.

    Some of the stormy weather of the past few seasons seems to have finally lifted for the Quinns. Kevin is about to tie the knot with Isabelle, there's hopeful news about Bart, who has been captured by enemy forces in Afghanistan, and the family are coming back together for Christmas at Winter Street Inn.

    But with love triangles and health scares to contend with, there are still some dark clouds on the horizon. And as they prepare to host Kevin and Isabelle's winter wedding at the inn, a historic blizzard bears down on Nantucket, threatening to keep the Quinns away from the people and the place they love most.

    Before the snow clears, the family will have survived enough upheavals to send anyone running for the eggnog, in this touching novel that proves when the holidays roll around, you can always go home again.

    ©2016 Elin Hilderbrand (P)2018 Hodder & Stoughton Limited

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