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Couverture de Wine Girl

Wine Girl

De : Victoria James
Lu par : Victoria James
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    An affecting memoir from America's youngest sommelier, tracing her path through the glamorous but famously toxic restaurant world.

    At just 21, Victoria James became America's youngest sommelier at a Michelin-starred restaurant. Even as Victoria was selling bottles worth hundreds and thousands of dollars during the day, passing sommelier certification exams with flying colors and receiving distinction from all kinds of press, there were still groping patrons, bosses who abused their role and status, and a trip to the hospital emergency room.

    It would take hitting bottom at a new restaurant and restorative trips to the vineyards where she could feel closest to the wine she loved for Victoria to re-emerge, clear-eyed and passionate, and a proud 'wine girl' of her own Michelin-starred restaurant.

    Exhilarating and inspiring, Wine Girl is the memoir of a young woman breaking free from an abusive and traumatic childhood on her own terms, an ethnography of the glittering, high-octane, but notoriously corrosive restaurant industry, and above all, a love letter to the restorative and life-changing effects of good wine and good hospitality.

    ©2020 Victoria James (P)2020 Hachette Audio UK

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