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  • Win the Day

  • Fuel Your Passion with Discipline and Raise Your Basketball Game and Life, Day After Day
  • De : Christophe Varidel
  • Lu par : Joddy Appiah
  • Durée : 4 h et 44 min

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Win the Day

De : Christophe Varidel
Lu par : Joddy Appiah
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    Millions across the globe put in countless hours to realize their basketball dreams....

    Despite this hard work, not many reach their full potential, and most never fulfill their aspirations. Having ambitious goals is necessary, but goals don't get you anywhere. To progress, ambitious players need a better support system. Just like number one New Your Times best-selling author James Clear states: "You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems."

    In Win the Day, you will learn about the key mindset to adopt to raise your game on and off the court, and how to implement them within the MyStride Approach, a comprehensive and robust training management system. This book will increase your discipline, consciousness, and consistency in your training. Additionally, Win the Day will inspire any listener through successful stories of players and athletes who beat the odds to create a future for themselves.

    This book will teach you how to:

    • Gradually change the beliefs about yourself and your game, increasing your self-confidence
    • Avoid the common mistakes that keep players from developing
    • Build and implement a life-changing training management system
    • Get back on track faster when you get off-course

    And much more.

    Win the Day is a guide any basketball player should keep in their back pocket and apply if they wish to fulfill their full basketball potential and dream of a special basketball journey.

    ©2022 StrideYourPassion Sàrl (P)2022 StrideYourPassion Sàrl


    "The MyStride Approach can be beneficial for players at all levels. Win the Day is a great book for players who really want to see how good they can become." (Karl Smesko, Florida Gulf Coast University [NCAA I], women's head coach, third highest career winning percentage amongst all NCAA Division I coaches)

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