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Couverture de Wildbound


De : Elayne Audrey Becker
Lu par : Christopher Bonwell, Sofia Zervudachi
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    Wildbound is the thrilling follow-up to Elayne Audrey Becker's debut YA epic fantasy, Forestborn, full of forest magic and a kingdom on the brink of war.

    With the assassination of Telyan’s king, the time for peace has passed.

    Determined to make up for his failure to procure the stardust, Helos finds work as a healer at Fendolyn’s Keep, the military garrison to which Telyan’s exiled royals—and half its civilians—have fled. Racing against the Fallow Throes’ ticking clock, he endeavors to repair his relationship with Prince Finley and fight off the gathering shadows in his head, as the base around him prepares for war.

    Half a continent away, his sister, Rora, is doing everything she can to reawaken the land and end Eradain’s slaughter of magical beings. Still reeling from the revelation that Eradain’s violent monarch is her half-brother, she journeys to the kingdom determined to infiltrate his court in disguise—and finds the seeds of rebellion are already stirring.

    With a magical illness running rampant and the continent arming for battle, the three realms’ long-feared destruction seems inevitable. But the two shifters they believed would bring about Alemara’s ruin may in fact hold the key to its survival.

    A Macmillan Audio production from Tor Teen.

    ©2022 Elayne Audrey Becker (P)2022 Macmillan Audio

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