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Couverture de Wild Nights Out

Wild Nights Out

De : Chris Salisbury
Lu par : Chris Salisbury
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    “A fun, inventive adventure guide about helping children explore nature after dark.... Its activities are a great excuse to turn off the television, set down smartphones, and explore the rich, mysterious world just beyond the back door.” (Foreword Reviews)

    The go-to guide for exploring nature at night, whether on summer holidays, weekends away or even back garden adventures!

    Foreword by Chris Packham, author, naturalist, and BBC presenter

    Learn how to call for owls, walk like a fox and expand your sensory perceptions. Wild Nights Out is a wonderful new hands-on guide for those who wish to take kids (of all ages) outdoors for fun, thrilling nighttime nature adventures. 

    Parents, grandparents, teachers and nature educators alike will discover a wealth of unique activities to explore the natural world from dusk till dawn. Alongside games, walks and exercises to expand our senses, storyteller and outdoor educator Chris Salisbury will bring this unexplored nocturnal dimension to life with lore about badgers, bats and minibeasts as well as tales of the constellations and planets to share around the campfire.

    In Wild Nights Out, you can expect to find:

    • Twenty-five fun and informative games and activities
    • Practical information on how to conduct night walks safely 
    • Animal facts and stargazing stories

    Nature has so much to offer at night, so let Wild Nights Out be your guide to the dark. It will boost the resilience and self-confidence of children and adults, and instill a lifelong love of having fun in the outdoors when the sun goes down.

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2021 Chris Salisbury (P)2021 Chelsea Green Publishing
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse

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