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  • Wild Mothering

  • Finding Power, Spirit, and Joy in Birth and a Creative Motherhood
  • De : Tami Lynn Kent
  • Lu par : Tami Lynn Kent
  • Durée : 11 h et 50 min

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Wild Mothering

De : Tami Lynn Kent
Lu par : Tami Lynn Kent
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    Whether you are pregnant, trying to conceive, recovering from childbirth, or raising children, this newly updated classic will help you tap into your feminine energy while exploring a creative holistic approach to women's health.

    Tami Lynn Kent, women's health physical therapist, acclaimed author, and founder of Holistic Pelvic Care, applies her groundbreaking approach to women's health to the journey of motherhood with this easy-to-follow and warmhearted guide. Discover the energy tools and gentle guidance to be used through the emotional and transformative process of pregnancy, birth, and motherhood.

    Revealing her own soul-filled journey from miscarriage to mothering her three sons into adulthood, Kent offers an intimate and comprehensive guide to accessing the energy medicine within the female body. Drawing on her work with thousands of women and the energy of the pelvic bowl, Kent teaches you how to navigate the wild path of motherhood with the creative potential of your center and the profound medicine it contains for birth, birth trauma, generational trauma, and all aspects of being a mother and living creatively.

    ©2013 Tami Lynn Kent (P)2024 Tantor

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