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Couverture de Wild Life: Travel Adventures of a Worldly Woman

Wild Life: Travel Adventures of a Worldly Woman

De : Lisa Alpine
Lu par : Kristi Burns
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    Foreword Reviews' INDIEFAB Book of the Year Award Gold Winner for travel

    First place winner, 2014 North American Book Awards for travel

    From licking a Monet in Paris, to pushing an abusive macho honeymooner off his sailboat in the shark-infested Galapagos, to saving her toddler son from a charging bull elephant in Africa, these 14 delightful, award-winning true tales will inspire listeners to follow the call of a wild life and leave home with their doors unlocked.

    ©2014 Lisa Alpine (P)2015 Lisa Alpine


    "Lisa's stories are not only packed with the humor and adventure that comes from being a solo woman traveler, but also filled with compassion that cuts to the core of what travel is all about - a deep connection to a people and place found when we shed our protective armor and remember we are all human." (Kimberley Lovato, author of Walnut Wine and Truffle Groves)
    "There is daring, humor, and even a bit of Eros in the 14 stories that span her life from the innocence of eighteen, when she was struck with wanderlust, into middle age." ( Foreword Reviews)

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