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Couverture de Wielder of Shadows

Wielder of Shadows

De : Allie Cole
Lu par : Amelia Hugh, C.J. Grey
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    I vowed to avenge my parents, readying myself year after year. And now, I'm going to die.

    I should have heeded my father's warning when I stumbled upon the Fae warrior, but I froze.

    I remember every horror tale recounting the atrocities committed by these monsters, abducting, torturing, and exploiting humans. My survival instinct was screaming loud inside, yet I couldn't move.

    His strange crimson gaze fell on me as I contemplated his large double-bladed sword and my last moments on this earth. Just when I thought the last thing I'd ever see would be his deadly stare, his voice resounded in the air, and my heart stopped.

    "Where did you get that sword?"

    Wielder of Shadows is the coming-of-age story of a fiery huntress forced to ally herself with the one being she hates and fears the most. Listeners who love slow-burn, angsty, enemies-to-lovers stories will love this hypnotizing first installment of the Daughter of Darkness series.

    ©2023 Allie Cole (P)2024 Podium Audio

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