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Couverture de Wicked Surrender

Wicked Surrender

De : Heather Long
Lu par : Brooke Daniels, Adam Gold, Noel Harrison, Toby Scott, Grayson Owens
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    Every moment of my life was planned out before birth…

    Family legacy dictates everything from type of education to suitability of friends to eligible marriage opportunities to the type of business I’m expected to go pursue. It’s more than just DNA, it’s also about birth order, gender, and unfortunately—the family name.

    I was born a Reed and the weight that carries isn’t limited to the doors that it opens, but also the ones it bars shut. When I was tapped for the Royals, I saw my first way out—but it only proved to be a deeper trap.

    Every single move I’ve made has been to tear us all free from King, from our parents, from our families—but there is no way out. There is only through.

    We can’t break away, we have to take over.

    Lies, betrayal, family.

    The only woman I’ve ever loved is a the center of the board, courted and pursued on all sides by new players and old. There can be no truce.

    My best friend? He’s lost his damn mind, avoiding me, and agreeing to plans he swore had long since fallen by the wayside.

    Yet here we are. He’s surrendered.

    I refuse to accept that.

    I refuse to accept it for her, for him, or for us.

    If the only way out is to destroy everyone in our path—then that’s exactly what we’re going to do.

    WICKED SURRENDER is a full-length mature dark, new adult romance with enemies-to-lovers/love-hate themes. Please be aware some situations may be uncomfortable for listeners. Trigger warnings can be found in the foreword should you require them. This is book four in a six book series that is a why choose with multiple new adults exploring and coming to terms with their evolving sexuality, identities, and relationships.

    ©2024 Heather Long (P)2024 Heather Long

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