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  • Wicked Spirits: Mysteries, Spine Chillers and Lost Tales of the Supernatural

  • Bodies from the Library Series
  • De : Tony Medawar
  • Durée : 5 h et 4 min

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Wicked Spirits: Mysteries, Spine Chillers and Lost Tales of the Supernatural

De : Tony Medawar
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    It is said that books are written to bring sunshine into our dull, grey lives – to show us places we want to escape to, lives we want to live, people we want to love. But there are also stories that can only be found in the deepest, darkest corners of the library. Stories about the unexplained, of lost souls, of things that go bump before the silence. Before the screaming.

    And some stories just disappear. Stories printed in old newspapers, broadcast live on the wireless, sometimes not even published at all – these are the stories you cannot find on even the dustiest of library shelves.

    This follow-up volume to the bestselling Ghosts from the Library resurrects forgotten tales of the supernatural by some of the most accomplished mystery authors of all time. Close the windows. Draw the curtains. Just don’t let the lights go out…

    ©2024 Tony Medawar (P)2024 HarperCollins Publishers


    ‘A delightfully shiversome set of tales to be read over a series of dark nights.’—The Invisible Event

    ‘The collection is full to the brim with elegant and subtle writing, clever character studies and some masterclass-level misdirection. Perfect for a long winter’s night.’—Crime Review

    ‘Criminally spooky – would make a great Christmas stocking gift!’—FictionFan

    ‘Despite being hitherto “lost”, there are few duds here.’—Guardian

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