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  • Wicked Serve

  • Beyond the Play, Book 4
  • De : Grace Reilly
  • Durée : 8 h et 40 min

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Wicked Serve

De : Grace Reilly
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    Claim your new obsession from TikTok sensation Grace Reilly, a spicy brother’s rival hockey romance! Perfect for fans of Hannah Grace, Liz Tomforde and Elsie Silver.

    He’s my brother’s biggest hockey rival…but he’s bringing the heat for me.


    Hockey is my life, and I need to make this last season count. But when I’m forced to transfer to rival school McKee University for my senior year, I risk pissing off the captain, who happens to be the older brother of Isabelle Callahan: the gorgeous beam of sunshine I messed around with in secret this summer.

    Rekindling our fling could risk her brother icing me off the team—not to mention the fact that my scarred past makes having a real relationship impossible—and yet the moment I see Isabelle again, all my wild, burning feelings come rushing back.


    I have two goals for sophomore year: win back my old volleyball position, and forget I ever knew devilishly handsome hockey defenseman Nikolai Abney-Volkov. As the youngest and only daughter in a family full of athletes, failure isn’t an option.

    But when Nik crashes back into my life, I can’t stay away from his broody charm. I’m determined to guard my heart this time, but between the furtive hookups and the heartfelt conversations, the lines between friends-with-benefits and more begin to blur.

    As we fall deeper into a place we can’t come back from unscathed, we’ll have to make a choice: fight for a future together, or watch it go up in flames.

    Filled with swoons, spice, sports, and koalas, Wicked Serve is a don’t-miss new adult college sports romance.

    ©2024 Grace Reilly (P)2024 Spotify Audiobooks

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