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Couverture de Wicche Hunt

Wicche Hunt

De : Seana Kelly
Lu par : Samantha Desz
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    I'm Arwyn Cassandra Corey, the Sea Wicche of Monterey. Want a psychic reading? I can do that. In the market for art? I have all your painting, photography, glass blowing, and ceramic needs covered in my art gallery. Need help solving a grisly cold case? Unfortunately, I can probably help with that too.

    After more than a decade of being nagged, guilted, and threatened, I've finally joined the Corey Council and am working with my mother and grandmother to hunt down a twisted sorcerer.

    The evil the sorcerer and her demon are doing is seeping into the community. Violent crimes have been increasing.

    Declan Quinn, the hot werewolf rebuilding my deck, is preparing for a dominance battle with the local Alpha. A couple of wolves have already left their pack to follow Declan, recognizing him as the true Alpha. Declan needs to watch his back as the full moon approaches. The current Alpha will do whatever it takes to hold on to power, including breaking pack law and enlisting the help of a local vampire.

    And if Wilbur, my selkie friend is right, I might just be meeting my dad soon. Perhaps he'll have some advice for this wicche hunt. I'm going to need all the help I can get.

    Contains mature themes.

    ©2024 Seana Kelly (P)2024 Tantor

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