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  • Wiccan Witchcraft Bible for Beginners

  • A Thorough Introductory Guide Through the World of Wiccan Beliefs, and Herbal Spells for Aspiring Witchcraft Practitioners
  • De : Lisa Cristal
  • Lu par : Nor Sabrina Luethy
  • Durée : 5 h et 14 min

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Wiccan Witchcraft Bible for Beginners

De : Lisa Cristal
Lu par : Nor Sabrina Luethy
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    What do you really know about magic? Have you ever wanted to learn witchcraft? Then, read on...

    For most of us, our knowledge about magic and witchcraft comes from children's books and old folk stories. We don't ever get to learn how it works. However, we pick up on the fact that there is bad and good kind of magic, or "dark" and "white" as they call it. If this is all that you know about magic, then your ideas are about to be shattered.

    This Wicca book of herbal spells offers a fresh look on the matter of magic and witchcraft, in general. As a "white" kind of magic, Wiccan spells are crafted for healing and protection. You'll be happy to learn that you don't have to come from the bloodline of witches to make Wicca magic. All you need is your passion and an open mind. Moreover, all the magic supplies come from nature.

    This wonderful guide will reveal simple ingredients of the Wiccan magic spells. They are herbs. The type of herbs you can easily grow in a small garden. Are you intrigued yet? Wouldn't you like to become the type of healing magic maker? This audiobook can help you take the first step into the world of witchcraft. After listening to this book, you will have an educated opinion on the matter.

    The religion Wicca will astound you with its beliefs and beautiful sacred rituals. This witchcraft bible will drastically change your view on magic. Wiccan beginners will enjoy this book as it provides enough information to answer all their questions. You will learn about all the roots of Wiccan magic and the variety of spells Wicca has to offer.

    This audiobook is a wonderful and thorough foundation for aspiring Wiccans, but if you have the desire to expand your knowledge in witchcraft, you will benefit from listening to the other two books from this series.

    ©2020 Lisa Cristal (P)2020 Lisa Cristal

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