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  • Wicca for Beginners

  • The Complete Guide to Practicing Wiccan Traditions and Beliefs
  • De : Olivia Spanner
  • Lu par : Kenzy S. Taha
  • Durée : 4 h et 15 min

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Wicca for Beginners

De : Olivia Spanner
Lu par : Kenzy S. Taha
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    You are about to learn the fundamentals of the Wiccan religion, including its rituals, magic, witchcraft, and philosophy and experience a life-changing awareness of what lies on the other side of conservative religion!

    Ever wondered about all the stuff you hear and watch about witches and the “dark” religious activities of certain veiled religions, what they really are all about? Maybe you’ve ever desired to know about the people behind those practices, the true nature of the practices, what they mean, why they’re conducted, and the general nature of these dreaded, marginalized, non-conforming religions....

    If so, keep listening.

    Have you had a desire to join a religion that involves deep communion with the Earth, with divinity, and one that promotes intrapersonal and interpersonal peace and a sense of giving? A religion that is centered on positive thought and action, as well as love of nature and the creation of positive energies?

    If you do, and also have a desire to learn the fundamentals of magic and witchcraft, you’ve come to the right place if your preferred choice is Wicca!

    At this day and age, you don’t have to feel precluded from venturing into “murky” religious spaces - due to a mere lack of information or an underlying fear based on strong, negative, and subjective generalizations tagging non-conformist practices as ungodly, satanic, and malevolent.

    This audiobook gives you the chance to educate yourself on the other side of religious practices, by delving into one legally recognized religion (in the US) that, besides fitting my category, is also compatible with science - known as the Wicca religion.

    So whether your aim is to quench your thirst for knowledge about powerful veiled religions in the world, or join one, this is where your search ends.

    ©2020 Olivia Spanner (P)2020 Olivia Spanner

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