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  • Wicca Spell Book: The Ultimate Wiccan Book on Magic and Witches

  • A Guide to Witchcraft, Wicca and Magic in the New Age with a Divinity Code (New Age and Divination, Book 3)
  • De : Julia Steyson
  • Lu par : Anessa Morrison
  • Durée : 3 h et 8 min

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Wicca Spell Book: The Ultimate Wiccan Book on Magic and Witches

De : Julia Steyson
Lu par : Anessa Morrison
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    This audiobook is a comprehensive guide to witchcraft, Wicca, and magic. It is just as useful for a beginner as it is for someone with knowledge on the subject. This audiobook will teach you everything you need to need to know about Wicca, spells, and magic! 

    Broomsticks, pentacles, and wands, oh my! Have you ever wondered what modern witchcraft is all about? Do you already know a little about Wicca and have been itching to know the basics? This audiobook is perfect for anyone looking to learn about what Wiccans really believe. This audiobook delves beyond the pop culture stereotypes to take a look at the true beliefs of the old religion.

    Included in this audiobook is: 

    • Information deities
    • The Wiccan rede
    •  Holidays
    •  And yes, magic!

    Beyond being thorough and descriptive, this audiobook focuses on everything a Wiccan just starting out needs to know. You’ll learn about spells, sigils, the five Wiccan elements - and most importantly for a Wiccan, you’ll learn about developing and nurturing your spiritual connection with the natural world. All Wiccan practices are tied to the nature, from astrology to tarot. 

    This is the perfect listen for a beginner witch or anyone curious about the lifestyle of Wiccans.

    You will be amazed what you uncover in this audiobook! It will open the doors to a new world! 

    ©2018 Julia Steyson (P)2018 Julia Steyson

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