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  • Why You Suck at Guitar: Learn the Top Ten Reasons Why You Don't Sound or Play Better

  • FMG Modern Music Series
  • De : Tommy Gordon
  • Lu par : Josiah John Bildner
  • Durée : 1 h et 22 min

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Why You Suck at Guitar: Learn the Top Ten Reasons Why You Don't Sound or Play Better

De : Tommy Gordon
Lu par : Josiah John Bildner
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    Here's a book intended to challenge you. Here's a book meant to inspire you.

    This book is a wake-up call to the global problems and roadblocks for you as a guitarist.

    This book is meant to be a reality check.

    Even if guitar playing is a hobby for you, your levels of enjoyment and satisfaction will increase exponentially if you get better, start to like your playing and sound, and then continue to move forward. But if you aspire to be a part-time gigging and recording musician or full-time musician/guitarist, this book is filled with the 10 reasons that are seriously holding you back. (It might even give you enough clues to help you teach guitar lessons for years to come!)

    I want you to attack any or all of these problems that apply to you and get your momentum back as a guitarist.

    I've always believed that the expression "momentum builds motivation" is the key to developing as a musician. Once you're truly excited about your playing, your creativity, and your growth, amazing things can happen with your music.

    If you're here even reading about a book called Why You Suck at Guitar, then it means that you're finally ready to deal with those issues that plague aspiring musicians everywhere. It means that you're brave. Brave enough to face the facts.

    I wrote this to help you and not to make you feel bad - or worse - about your music. This is your wake-up call - a musician-to-musician intervention with the goal of helping you get back on the right path. Music should be fun, and it's always fun to get better. I wrote this to help all guitarists because I know that if we don't like our sound, our abilities, or our playing, then music isn't fun at all. It's an annoying feeling.

    ©2015 Tommy Gordon (P)2016 Fretboard Media Group

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