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Couverture de Why We Play

Why We Play

De : Joanna Fortune
Lu par : Joanna Fortune
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    Discover how to reconnect with the child in you and unlock the transformative power of play to live a more joyful life.

    Can you remember the utter delight of playing chase, flying a kite, or getting messy with a box of paints? As children, playing is how we make sense of the world and our place in it. Why then, as adults, do we forget how to play?

    Drawing on more than 20 years of neuroscientific research and clinical practice, psychotherapist Joanna Fortune has discovered that play is central to the human experience–and is the key to living a happier, joyful life. With life-changing insights, tips, and exercises, she shares her proven approach, including how to:

    • Practice small moments of joy to boost positive mood
    • Embrace wonderment to help unlock creativity and problem-solving
    • Make play breaks a part of your everyday life to alleviate stress
    • Use storytelling to heal from trauma and find emotional resilience
    • Nurture a playful state of mind to improve your health and well-being
    • Utilize simple techniques to repair and strengthen relationships

    This groundbreaking book reveals why you’re never too old for play, explains how it shapes our experiences and relationships with others, and shows how practicing play daily will be the small change that will revolutionize your life.

    ©2022 Joanna Fortune (P)2022 Thread, an imprint of Storyfire Ltd.

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