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Couverture de Why We Meditate

Why We Meditate

De : Daniel Goleman, Tsoknyi Rinpoche
Lu par : Adam Barr, Francois Chau
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    This “rare and exquisite exploration of the art, science, and practice of meditation” (Roshni Joan Halifax, author of Standing at the Edge) offers a much-needed antidote to the forces of stress that overwhelm so many of us—from New York Times bestselling author Daniel Goleman and renowned meditation teacher Tsoknyi Rinpoche.

    We all experience negative emotions from time to time. But in a world with as much frenzy and pressure as ours, it’s incredibly easy for these same emotions to become destructive. Now, by blending Eastern tradition with Western science, Why We Meditate effortlessly helps you embrace and understand meditation as never before with advice that is “fresh, accessible, and profound” (Pema Chödrön, author of When Things Fall Apart).

    Based on groundbreaking neuroscience, Why We Meditate is a guidebook that will help you not only break free from negative patterns of thought and behavior but radically embrace your very being. Revolutionize your health, relationships, and soul with this book that is perfect for both serious meditators and those new to the practice.

    ©2022 Tsoknyi Rinpoche and Daniel Goleman (P)2022 Simon & Schuster, Inc. All rights reserved.

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