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  • Why Sharks Matter

  • A Deep Dive with the World's Most Misunderstood Predator
  • De : David Shiffman
  • Lu par : Brian Wiggins
  • Durée : 8 h et 54 min

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Why Sharks Matter

De : David Shiffman
Lu par : Brian Wiggins
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    Sharks are some of the most fascinating and ecologically important, yet most threatened and misunderstood animals on Earth. More often feared than revered, their role as predators of the deep has earned them a reputation as a major threat to humans. But the truth is that sharks are not a danger to us—they’re in danger from us.

    In Why Sharks Matter, marine conservation biologist Dr. David Shiffman urges us to overcome our misconceptions and embrace sharks as the imperiled and elegant ocean guardians they really are. Touching on everything from Shark Week to shark fin soup, overfishing to marine sanctuaries, Shiffman reveals why sharks are in trouble, why we should care, and how we can save them.

    A witty narrative highlighting the author’s fascinating experiences working with sharks, this exploration of the essential principles of shark conservation science and policy is full of amazing facts about both little-known and iconic shark species. It spells out how healthy shark populations support marine ecosystems—and the coastal economies that depend on them—while carefully explaining what scientists, conservationists, and listeners can do to help. With his signature pragmatism and irreverence, Shiffman doesn’t shy away from explaining why much of what you’ve heard about sharks and how to save them is wrong.

    Perfect for shark enthusiasts, Why Sharks Matter provides an approachable, informative guide to the world of shark conservation, and an insider’s introduction to the passionate, brilliant people who work to protect our oceans. This fun listen will have you looking at sharks with a fresh perspective and an understanding that their survival is crucial to the survival of another apex predator—ourselves.

    ©2022 Johns Hopkins University Press (P)2022 Recorded Books

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