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Couverture de Why Loyalty Matters

Why Loyalty Matters

De : Timothy Keiningham, Lerzan Aksoy, Luke Williams
Lu par : Walter Dixon
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    The Groundbreaking Approach to Rediscovering Happiness, Meaning and Lasting Fulfillment in Your Life and Work

    Think you know what it takes to be successful and happy? Think again! If you were to ask anyone what factor contributes most to being successful and happy, you can be virtually certain that not one of them would mention loyalty. And that's a problem.

    Grounded in the most comprehensive study of loyalty ever conducted, Why Loyalty Matters proves that when it comes to business success, relationship success, and even our overall happiness, loyalty is the difference maker. In Why Loyalty Matters, renowned loyalty experts Timothy Keiningham and Lerzan Aksoy draw from the most comprehensive study of loyalty ever conducted, the landmark Ipsos Loyalty Study, to show why loyalty is critical to our happiness as individuals and our success as a society.

    You will learn:

    • How to leverage 10 relationship building blocks to shape your interactions at home and work
    • How organizations can gauge and strengthen employees' loyalty--and why they should
    • How to boost your company's profits by finding and developing loyal customers
    • How to achieve career fulfillment through loyalty to your job and coworkers
    • How to develop more loyalty in your friendships, family, and community

    ©2010 Timothy Keiningham, Lerzan Aksoy Luke Williams (P)2010 Gildan Media Corp

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