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Couverture de Why It's Taking So Long to Fix Youth Sports

Why It's Taking So Long to Fix Youth Sports

De : Matthew Young
Lu par : Stan Peake, Matthew Young
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    "Why It’s Taking So Long to Fix Youth Sports" speaks for the countless voices disheartened by the current state of youth sports. Once innocent neighborhood games have transformed into a cutthroat business fueled by profit. The joy and camaraderie of yesteryears have been overshadowed by a relentless pursuit of success, wealth, and self interest.

    Youth sports expert Matt Young takes us through a forensic examination of what’s gone wrong, combined with practical strategies for how to give sports back to the kids. The book explores the root causes of this transformation while offering glimmers of hope. It explores strategies to reintroduce teamwork, camaraderie, fair play, healthy competition, and the intrinsic value of winning.

    Through "Why It’s Taking So Long to Fix Youth Sports", the author exposes the systemic flaws and advocates for meaningful change. Ultimately, this book scrutinizes how societal values have reshaped youth sports and urges listeners to contemplate what truly matters in fostering sportsmanship among young athletes, their families, and communities.

    ©2024 Matthew Young (P)2024 Matthew Young

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