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Couverture de Why Don't You Drink Alcohol?

Why Don't You Drink Alcohol?

De : Sienna Green, Sober On A Drunk Planet
Lu par : Ayesha Tansey
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    Why is alcohol the only drug we have to justify not taking? If you want 101 hilarious ways to say I quit drinking alcohol without admitting you might be an alcoholic, then keep reading....

    Have you ever been asked, “why don’t you drink alcohol?” and felt like you were being judged as if you were an alien from outer space? The concept of asking someone why they don’t want the night to end in complete chaos and to write off the next three days broke, depressed, and puffy-skinned seems crazy–yet alcohol is the only drug we have to justify not taking!

    Maybe this sounds familiar: You’re on a night out, slaying life sober, and some moron asks you, “Oh–so why don’t you drink alcohol?” So naturally, you feel obliged to tell them why. But you’re not quite at that stage of oversharing every reason why you don’t want to add liquid chaos back into your life, and you struggle, so you say you’re on anti-biotics.

    What if there was an empowering little book that contained 101 ways to say "I quit drinking alcohol" that could diffuse any awkward responses?

    In her first quit lit book, Sienna Green shares her unusual story of going alcohol-free, and how being asked why she doesn’t drink alcohol for the millionth time motivated her to write 101 Ways to Say I Quit Drinking Alcohol.

    If you are newly sober, an old timer, or sober curious, Why Don't You Drink Alcohol? will provide an unexpected, but highly amusing twist on traditional sobriety books. Some hilarious, some serious, and some designed to kill a conversation in a heartbeat.

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2023 Addicted2Life Ltd (P)2023 Addicted2Life Ltd

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