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Couverture de Why Curse the Darkness When You Can Light a Candle?

Why Curse the Darkness When You Can Light a Candle?

De : Patti Garibay
Lu par : Patti Garibay
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    As the 20th century came to a close, a petite stay-at-home mom took on a giant that was poisoning our young girls.

    What started as a gathering of concerned parents and girls around a small kitchen table has now grown to be one of the largest scout-type organizations in the world. The Garibays' story chronicles the 25-year journey of American Heritage Girls from its humble beginnings, the insurmountable problems, and the joy of seeing the providential hand of God map out every detail.

    Patti Garibay knew something was not right, and after seeing a shocking agenda, she knew it was time to take a stand against the Girl Scouts of the United States of America. Though the battle was intense at times, Patti and her husband Pat were not prepared for all that God had planned to do with a small ember of passion.

    Seeing lives changed and making sure each girl knows they are loved was enough for Patti to suit up and get in the battle. Armored with trust and obedience, Patti’s transparent and vulnerable true story resonates with others who have a passion for making a difference yet struggle with the fear of inadequacy. With Christ, all things are possible.

    ©2020 Patti Garibay (P)2023 Patti Garibay

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