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  • Why Are You Still Sending Your Kids to School?

  • The Case for Helping Them Leave, Chart Their Own Paths, and Prepare for Adulthood at Their Own Pace
  • De : Blake Boles
  • Lu par : Blake Boles
  • Durée : 6 h et 3 min

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Why Are You Still Sending Your Kids to School?

De : Blake Boles
Lu par : Blake Boles
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    For some kids, school offers a positive and engaging experience. For others, it's a boring, stressful, and frustrating waste of time. If your child is in the second category, why keep tormenting them? Instead, why not help them find an educational environment where they feel genuinely motivated, excited, and empowered?  

    In this eye-opening book, Blake Boles makes the case for leaving conventional school and taking one of the many alternative paths through K-12 that exist today. He addresses parents' major concerns about unconventional education - Can my kids still go to college? Will they still be employable? How will they learn to work hard? - while highlighting the hidden benefits of self-directed learning, such as improved parent-child relationships, a more balanced decision-making process regarding college, and a heightened sense of autonomy and connection.  

    Drawing upon 15 years of work as a mentor and guide for adolescents in alternative and experiential learning environments - as well as his own unconventional life path - Boles weaves together narrative, theory, and research to build a powerful argument for granting children unusual levels of freedom and responsibility.

    ©2020 Blake Boles (P)2020 Blake Boles

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