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Couverture de Why Am I Here

Why Am I Here

De : Robert Castleberry
Lu par : Andrew Baldwin
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    I heard on the news the other day of an actress writing her bibliography, which was 1000 pages. I’m sure her life has been full of glamor and excitement, and I can promise you that mine won’t be any 1000 pages. I can’t give you every detail of my life with my family. The only thing I can try to do is convince one person out there that no matter what life throws at you and how discouraged you might get because of the hardships you have been tossed into, there is a higher being in the universe who created it and created you and me.

    He has a plan for each of us. It took me a while to figure that out and find my path. Still, once I made Him the hub of my wheel of life and let work, family, security, health, ministry, and leisure, the basic things that control everyone's lives, revolve around Him, my life was balanced, and I was a lot better off. I found out on those long drives from Welsh to Lake Charles when Beverly and I were dating that she and I were of the same faith. It helps when you and your partner worship the same God and religion because then you are both going in the same direction. It has been a blessing in our lives that Beverly and I have been on the same path in raising our children in the church and worshiping the Lord together as a family.

    Looking back now, I can see how God has carried me through all the different homes and families in raising me up to where I am today and how grateful I am that He has been and is a part of my life.

    Ephesians 2:10 NIV 10 For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Ephesians 2:10

    ©2023 Robert Castleberry (P)2024 Robert Castleberry

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