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Couverture de Whose Bright Eyes Are Closed Tight?

Whose Bright Eyes Are Closed Tight?

De : Eva Tillman
Lu par : Taryn Sutherland
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    Gracie Howard, my best friend, is the personal assistant to the CEO of Wakefield Medical Center in Philadelphia. Right now, she has a few choices to make: about a man who potentially wants to be in her life, a likely change in her career path, and the possibility of moving from Pennsylvania to New York.

    I'm her level-headed best friend Reese Blanchard. We met at UPenn Wharton School of Business. I always encourage Gracie to take a step back and think things through before making decisions. It's possible I might need to learn a few life lessons myself.

    The man who might want to be in Gracie's life is someone she met in high school, Craig Vincent. He now lives in NY after attending Columbia School of the Arts and he's a well-known author. From what she tells me about him, he's not my favorite.

    When Gracie gets a job offer to work at Ruschman's right around the time she starts receiving messages from Craig on social media, she thinks this means its meant to be!

    Thankfully, I'm able to get her to stop and think, at least for now. But how long I can hold her back is anybody's guess.

    Gracie sees green lights and she is ready to go!

    ©2024 Eva Tillman (P)2024 Eva Tillman
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Romance

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