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  • Whose Birthday Is It?

  • What Do You Really Know about tthe Day You Were Born
  • De : D L Edwards
  • Lu par : Raymond Feliz
  • Durée : 51 min

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Whose Birthday Is It?

De : D L Edwards
Lu par : Raymond Feliz
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    The author of this book captures the listener's attention from the start by weaving a tale of a son's grief over the loss of his mother, which is intensified by the coincidental alignment of his mother's burial with his birthday. The man's memories of his mother and the special ritual they shared on his birthday provide a lens through which the listener can explore the anthropological phenomenon of a woman's transition into motherhood.

    The story's exploration of this phenomenon is both insightful and engaging, with the author taking care to provide historical and cultural context that helps to frame the phenomenon in a way that is accessible to the listener. The author's narrative style is also captivating, with a poetic use of language that immerses the listener in the story.

    Overall, this book is highly recommended for anyone looking for a touching and thought-provoking listen. It is a beautiful and insightful work of fiction that explores the universal themes of love, loss, and the human experience in a fresh and captivating way.

    ©2023 Dennis Lee Edwards (P)2023 Dennis Lee Edwards

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