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Couverture de Who Are You Meant to Be?

Who Are You Meant to Be?

De : Anne Dranitsaris, Heather Dranitsaris-Hilliard
Lu par : Sophie Brooks
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    Find out who you really are.

    Who Are You Meant to Be? is an energetic, step-by-step program that helps you move from surviving to thriving. Integrating recent breakthroughs in brain science with a fresh take on how your personality affects your behavior, this book provides a clear roadmap, based on your brain, to break patterns of behavior that get in your way.

    This Book:

    • Provides insight into how you can use the abilities you were born with to achieve what you were born for
    • Discusses eight personality Styles through highly entertaining and transformative stories
    • Allows you to identify which Style is truest to you, and how it influences your behavior

    Too many of us live on autopilot, just trying to make it through the day. Who Are You Meant to Be? offers a way to put us in the driver's seat of our lives, providing a brand-new approach to living authentically and achieving our potential. It's a must have for anyone wanting to understand themselves and others in order to live a more satisfying, fulfilling life.

    ©2012 Sourcebooks, Inc. (P)2022 Anne Dranitsaris & Heather Dranitsaris-Hilliard

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