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Couverture de Whispers of the Shattered Realm

Whispers of the Shattered Realm

De : Eric James
Lu par : Aubrey Parsons
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    In the quiet of the dimly lit, icy-cold castle walls, Dorian and Anya's lips met passionately in the intimacy of the moment.

    Dorian experienced an intensity of fire never felt before, as the taste of Anya's lips was like sweet plum nectar.

    The kiss sent thrills down Anya's spine too. She had never felt more at home than in his arms in this moment; their connection went beyond words and bonded them in ways she could barely fathom. Dorian saw in the same moment a chance at redemption for all the heinous ruin he had caused in his life as a soldier, much of it perpetrated against Anya's homeland. To earn redemption, he would first have to free Elyndor from the curse of Jaiha's savaged and broken heart, a journey to be filled with terrifying whispering forests that could see through to ones darkest fears and bring screeching torment to all who passed.

    A sweeping emotional saga of love, honor, and truths of the human heart filled with ancient magic and the timeless lore of a nation worth risking violent death to save.

    ©2024 Eric James (P)2024 Eric James

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