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Couverture de Whisper Network

Whisper Network

De : Chandler Baker
Lu par : Almarie Guerra
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    “Honest, timely, and completely thrilling.” (Reese Witherspoon (Reese’s Book Club x Hello Sunshine book pick)

    Sloane, Ardie, Grace, and Rosalita have worked at Truviv, Inc., for years. The sudden death of Truviv’s CEO means their boss, Ames, will likely take over the entire company. Each of the women has a different relationship with Ames, who has always been surrounded by whispers about how he treats women. Those whispers have been ignored, swept under the rug, hidden away by those in charge. But the world has changed, and the women are watching this promotion differently. This time, when they find out Ames is making an inappropriate move on a colleague, they aren’t willing to let it go. This time, they’ve decided enough is enough.

    Sloane and her colleagues’ decision to take a stand sets in motion a catastrophic shift in the office. Lies will be uncovered. Secrets will be exposed. And not everyone will survive. All of their lives - as women, colleagues, mothers, wives, friends, even adversaries - will change dramatically as a result.

    "If only you had listened to us,” they tell us in Chandler Baker's Whisper Network, “none of this would have happened."

    Praise for Whisper Network:

    "Narrator Almarie Guerra projects the Southern accent and sassy tone that are needed in this audiobook.... Guerra captivates listeners by creating energetic portrayals.... This is an intense listen about women who triumph over injustice in the workplace." (AudioFile Magazine)

    “Don't be fooled by its title. Whisper Network is a primal roar of a novel. Furiously funny and just plain furious, it's as timely as today's headlines and as big-hearted as your best work friend. A fantastic read.” (Riley Sager, New York Times best-selling author of The Last Time I Lied)

    “Exciting and sprinkled with razor-sharp insights about what it is to be a woman today, Whisper Network is a witty and timely story that will make you cheer for sisterhood.” (Liv Constantine, USA Today best-selling author of The Last Mrs. Parrish)

    ©2019 Chandler Baker (P)2019 Macmillan Audio


    “Don't be fooled by its title. Whisper Network is a primal roar of a novel. Furiously funny and just plain furious, it's as timely as today's headlines and as big-hearted as your best work friend. A fantastic read.” (Riley Sager, New York Times best-selling author of The Last Time I Lied)

    Whisper Network manages to be provocative, timely, and a ripping good read: A murder mystery and a manifesto all rolled up into one. I couldn’t put it down.” (Janelle Brown, New York Times best-selling author of Watch Me Disappear)

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