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  • Which None Can Shut

  • Remarkable True Stories of God's Miraculous Work in the Muslim World
  • De : Reema Goode
  • Lu par : Jon Gauger
  • Durée : 3 h et 24 min

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Which None Can Shut

De : Reema Goode
Lu par : Jon Gauger
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    “See, I have set before you an open door, and no one can shut it.” -Revelation 3:8...

    Imagine a place where becoming a Christian is a punishable crime - and your own family exacts the punishment. Where those who spread the Gospel among locals are deported if discovered. Where converts to Christianity face persecution, isolation, or even death as the price for their faith. “Reema Goode” and her family are Christians working in a closed Middle Eastern country where all of these things are true. Yet they are also firsthand witnesses of a whole new trend that is taking shape in missions to Muslims. Despite all obstacles, God is opening miraculous doors in the Islamic world, where an unprecedented number of Muslims are becoming followers of Jesus.

    In this powerful collection of personal stories, Reema takes us deep inside her Arab neighborhood to show how God is opening doors in just one of many Islamic communities. As she walks us through everyday life in a Muslim town, she reveals the diverse, creative, unexpected, and thrilling ways God is reaching her neighbors with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This encouraging, uplifting, and even humorous firsthand account of a Christian family living among Muslims will inspire you in your own walk of faith, teach you how to pray for Muslims and those who minister to them, and encourage you with the knowledge that God’s loving Light is penetrating the darkness.

    ©2010 Reema Goode (P)2010 Oasis Audio

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