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Couverture de Where the Seams Meet

Where the Seams Meet

De : Patrick Holcomb
Lu par : Ryan Churchill
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    Sometimes it's better to be lucky than good. Just ask the Romanos.

    Dogged by tragedy and broken dreams, they’ve learned the hard way that not every mistake turns into a foul ball—and sometimes, it’s the words left unspoken that cut the deepest.

    After fleeing 1970s San Francisco to escape the shadow of his abusive father, Frank Romano struggles to balance his firefighting career with the demands of raising his talented but challenging son, Danny. Determined to transcend his tortured past, Frank bridges the growing chasm between them the only way he knows how: through baseball.

    Danny’s meteoric rise on the diamond draws father and son together, but a shared passion for the game can only carry them so far. When life throws the Romanos a series of knee-buckling curveballs, not even the sport they love can strengthen the withering ties that bind.

    As the thrilling seventh game of the 2014 World Series unfolds and chance offers them one last swing at redemption, father and son must confront their intermingled traumas to finally answer the question that torments them both: Is there life after baseball?

    ©2024 Patrick Holcomb (P)2024 Patrick Holcomb

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