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  • Where the Blind Horse Sings

  • Love and Healing at an Animal Sanctuary
  • De : Kathy Stevens
  • Lu par : Amy Rubinate
  • Durée : 4 h et 6 min

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Couverture de Where the Blind Horse Sings

Where the Blind Horse Sings

De : Kathy Stevens
Lu par : Amy Rubinate
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    Avis de l'équipe

    After giving up a successful career as a teacher, Kathy Stevens bought a run-down old farm to create the Catskills Animal Sanctuary, a safe haven for abused and unwanted animals. Amy Rubinate's warm performance creates the perfect complement to Stevens' anecdotes of a guardian sheep, aquaphobic duck, titular blind horse, and many more. It is heartening to hear the tales of such charming animals being saved by someone as caring as Stevens, and Where the Blind Horse Sings is a moving collection of stories that shows the rehabilitative power of love.


    More than anything else, this is a book about love. In this deeply moving account, you will hear about Rambo, a sheep who informs the staff when another animal is in trouble; and Paulie, a former cockfighting rooster who eats lunch with humans; Dino, an old toothless pony who survived a fire; and many more. Alongside these horses, roosters, pigs, sheep, rabbits, cows, and other animals is a staff of loving humans for whom every animal life, even that of a frog rushed to the vet for emergency surgery, has merit. Reading this book can profoundly - and joyously - change your life.

    ©2009 E. Kathleen Stevens (P)2012 Audible, Inc.

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