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Couverture de When the Sun Goes Down

When the Sun Goes Down

De : Gwynne Forster
Lu par : Kim Brockington
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    Winner of a Romantic Times Career Achievement Award, Gwynne Forster was elected into the Affaire de Coeur Hall of Fame for her acclaimed body of work. Her talent for laying bare the complexities of human relationships is evident in this emotional tale of siblings discovering what it means to be a family.

    When stingy self-made millionaire and widower Leon Farrell dies, he leaves behind a legacy of family dysfunction - and a missing will. It's soon clear that his three grown children, Edgar, Gunther, and Shirley, don't handle loss well - the possible loss of a fortune, that is. And when Edgar hires a private investigator to track down the will, it's just the beginning of a search that will lead the siblings to re-visit their childhoods, uncover buried secrets, and ultimately learn for themselves what it means to be a family. For as tensions escalate between the brothers - with their peace-keeping sister caught in the middle - an unexpected conflict of interest is brewing that will shock them all - and either bring them closer together or tear them apart for good.

    ©2010 Gwendolyn Johnson-Acsádi (P)2011 Recorded Books, LLC

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