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  • When the Light Touches Your Wounds

  • 100 Ways to Work Towards Healing from Grief
  • De : Ariella Bloom
  • Lu par : Cynthia Harvey
  • Durée : 2 h et 41 min

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When the Light Touches Your Wounds

De : Ariella Bloom
Lu par : Cynthia Harvey
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    People may tell you that the heartache of a breakup does not feel anything like true grief. Ignore them. All of us have been through heartbreak at some point in our lives, and the truth is, we will probably go through that sort of heartache again. However, as excruciatingly agonizing as the pain is, it is not insurmountable, and you do not have to go through it alone.

    In this book, When the Light Touches Your Wounds, you will hear stories, instances, and experiences that quite possibly echo your own stories and experiences. As we work toward healing from this grief, we will look at 100 ideas, perspectives, and general advice on how to heal in healthy ways and rely on the support of people who love us.

    The process is not easy and takes work - consistent and persistent effort on all our parts. Nevertheless, as we learn to let go of what needs to be let go, to have patience even when we want to hurry things up, and learn how to respect ourselves in fundamental ways, we will slowly but surely emerge stronger, kinder, and ready to face not just the world but also our own hearts.

    ©2021 Ariella Bloom (P)2022 Ariella Bloom

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