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  • When the Knight Falls

  • A Dramatic Medieval Tale That Transports You Back in Time with the Wyndym Family as They Try to Survive the Danger, Treachery, ... That Comes Their Way (Knights Are Forever)
  • De : Debbie Boek
  • Lu par : Millie Jones
  • Durée : 7 h et 46 min

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Couverture de When the Knight Falls

When the Knight Falls

De : Debbie Boek
Lu par : Millie Jones
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    This is the second book in the Knights Are Forever Series, and the year is now 1089. 

    Almost two decades have passed since Regan and Calder’s saga began in If Not for the Knight. The Normans and the Saxons now co-exist, if not happily, at least peacefully. But dark clouds are forming and danger is coming for them once again.

    The Wyndym children are fast becoming adults and are following their own paths towards the future, some of those destinations will take them far from home and from the loving arms of their family.

    Synne, the oldest daughter, is struggling to find her way through the minefields of love, not realizing that journey will lead her to dangers she could never have anticipated, and from which she may not survive.

    Murder, mayhem, betrayal, ultimate sacrifices, lessons learned, loyalties challenged, love that has withstood the test of time, young love that may never see the light of day, new friends found, and old friends lost.

    Welcome to Wyndymshire.

    ©2019 Debra Boek (P)2021 Debra Boek

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