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Couverture de When We Dance

When We Dance

De : Lisa Prysock
Lu par : Joanne Joyce
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    Thrust into the role of a debutante, Mia Delphine Morgan, a pre-school teacher from Kentucky, must sink or swim among Manhattan’s elite. She’s not trained or refined for New York, Paris, or London high society, but the good she can do with a sizeable inheritance from her estranged Aunt Sylvia, propels her toward keeping her feet firmly planted on the ground—even though poise and polish aren’t exactly her thing.

    Clayton James Bridgewater, III, is the fourth generation heir to a retail empire built from the ground up—one that exploded into success during the Great Depression Era when other industries were failing and floundering. When a secret from the past and family aspirations presented as obligations threaten to coerce him into a marriage of convenience, will he be forced to walk away from his rightful legacy to pursue his faith and obedience to Yeshua in order to have his true love at his side?

    Get your copy today of this faith-inspired, Christian Contemporary, sweet romance novella.

    ©2020 Lisa M. Prysock (P)2024 Lisa M. Prysock

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