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  • When Violence Is the Answer

  • Learning How to Do What It Takes When Your Life Is at Stake
  • De : Tim Larkin
  • Lu par : Tim Larkin
  • Durée : 6 h et 59 min
  • 4,7 out of 5 stars (3 notations)

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When Violence Is the Answer

De : Tim Larkin
Lu par : Tim Larkin
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    This book could save your life: Protect yourself from violence and learn survival skills for dangerous situations with this essential guide from a former military intelligence officer.

    In a civilized society, violence is rarely the answer. But when it is - it's the only answer.

    The sound of breaking glass downstairs in the middle of the night.

    The words "move and you die".

    The hands on your child, or the knife to your throat.

    In this essential new book, self-protection expert and former military intelligence officer Tim Larkin changes the way we think about violence in order to save our lives. By deconstructing our assumptions about violence - its morality, its function in modern society, how it actually works - Larkin unlocks the shackles of our own taboos and arms us with what we need to know to prevent, prepare for, and survive the unthinkable event of life-or-death violence. Through a series of harrowing true-life stories, Larkin demonstrates that violence is a tool equally effective in the hands of the "bad guy" or the "good guy"; that the person who acts first, fastest, and with the full force of their body is the one who survives; and that each and every one of us is capable of being that person when our lives are at stake.

    An indispensable resource, When Violence Is the Answer will remain with you long after you've finished listening, as the bedrock of your self-protection skills and knowledge.

    ©2017 Tim Larkin (P)2017 Hachette Audio


    "I love books that challenge conventional wisdom. This book makes us confront issues most of us do our best to ignore. Tim Larkin has written a necessary and important book that gives a good hard look at topics - violence, chaos, fighting - that most people don't want to think about. You should read it - and then you should give it out as a gift to the people you care most about because this book could very well save their lives." (Tony Robbins, number-one New York Times best-selling author of Unshakeable and Money: Master the Game)
    "Excellent! In every way - from the opening, to the conclusion, to all the solid lifesaving, life-changing information in between - this book is solid gold." (Lt. Col. Dave Grossman, author of On Killing and Assassination Generation)
    "A timely survival manual for life in a strange era....Just the attitude to adopt...Larkin provides some useful nuggets for these fraught times." ( Kirkus)

    Ce que les auditeurs disent de When Violence Is the Answer

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    J’ai adoré ce livre !

    Voilà une façon extraordinaire de traiter le sujet de la violence et de la défense personnelle : excellent livre qui sort des sentiers battus et qui m’a vraiment fait sortir de ma zone de confort. Merci !

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