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  • When Turtle Grew Feathers

  • A Folktale from the Choctaw Nation
  • De : Tim Tingle
  • Lu par : Tim Tingle
  • Durée : 8 min

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When Turtle Grew Feathers

De : Tim Tingle
Lu par : Tim Tingle
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    Avis de l'équipe

    Tim Tingle offers the Choctaw Native American version of the classic race between the turtle and the hare in When Turtle Grew Feathers.

    The absent-minded Turkey accidentally steps on the Turtle and breaks his shell. Turkey enlists the ants to help rebuild the shell. Pleased by the repair job, Turtle offers Turkey a chance to try on his shell. When the Rabbit comes looking for a race, he only thinks he’s racing Turtle.

    Performing his own work, Tingle is a natural-born storyteller. He relates his yarn with a southern drawl, stretching out words for emphasis in this delightful and hilarious take on a familiar classic that will surely amuse kids.


    In this Choctaw variant of Aesop's fable "The Tortoise and the Hare", storyteller Tim Tingle reveals some unexpected twists and expands the cast to include a wild turkey, a colony of ants, and a cheering squad of Little Bitty Turtles.

    When Rabbit boastfully challenges Turtle to a race, he gets his comeuppance...and Turtle gets a little assist from his winged friend, Turkey. In the process, we learn why Turtle's shell is cracked and why you never see Rabbit racing Turtle today.

    Illustrator Stacey Schuett's bold and vibrant illustrations capture not only the grasslands of the High Plains but also the demeanor of its animal inhabitants and the humor of the tale.

    ©2007 Tim Tingle (P)2007 August House Publishers, Inc.
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse


    "The bold and colorful illustrations are a good match for this lively telling that, with Rabbit's breezy rap-like dialogue, is a joy....Based on a traditional Choctaw story, this telling wins the race." (Kirkus Reviews)
    "Variations of the race between the tortoise and the hare crop up regularly, but this version, retold as a trickster tale, stands out for its humor and expressive illustrations." (School Library Journal)

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