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Couverture de When Light Is Like Water

When Light Is Like Water

De : Molly McCloskey
Lu par : Katie Beudert
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    Penguin presents the audiobook edition of When Light Is Like Water by Molly McCloskey, read by Katie Beudert.

    'There are few things on earth smaller than this country.'

    Alice, a young American on her travels, arrives in the west of Ireland with no plans and no strong attachments - except to her beloved mother, who raised her on her own. She falls in love with an Irishman, marries him, and settles down in a place whose codes she struggles to crack. And then, in the course of a single hot summer, she embarks on an affair that breaks her marriage and sets her life on a new course.

    Years later, in the aftermath of her mother's death, Alice finds herself back in Ireland and contemplating the forces that led her to put down roots and then tear them up again. What drew her to her husband, and what pulled her away? And how do we know when we've found our place in the world?

    When Light Is Like Water is at once a gripping story of passion and ambivalence and a profound meditation on the things that matter most: the definition of love, the value of family and the meaning of home.

    ©2017 Molly McCloskey (P)2018 Penguin Audio

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