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Couverture de When Leaders Matter

When Leaders Matter

De : Joel W. Harder
Lu par : Joel W. Harder, Drew Null
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    Is civility possible?

    Are America’s best days behind us?

    It is no secret that our politics are in a bad place. People are bitterly divided, angry, and fearful. We seem unable to disagree with one another respectfully. 

    In When Leaders Matter, Chaplain Joel Harder presents a three-step approach to engage leaders and restore the civility we need in our politics while promoting the integrity we need in our leaders. When that happens, leaders will be able to work and inspire our communities, states, and nation to address the real problems we are facing and navigate a way forward that will bless and benefit all of us. 

    In this groundbreaking and timely book, you will discover: 

    • A behind-the-scenes look at the policy-making culture and the role of leaders
    • How to make your voice heard in the midst of division and incivility
    • How to pray for leaders, while setting political agendas aside 
    • The nine marks of integrity needed in leaders today 
    • How to shape a positive leadership culture through nonpolitical engagement 
    • Why leaders matter and how to ask more for and of our leaders 

    Dr. Joel W. Harder is the founder and president of Oklahoma Capitol Culture and chaplain of the Oklahoma House of Representatives. He has several years of experience working in international leadership development through local churches, nationwide nonprofits, and political arenas. At the request of Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt, Harder launched the Oklahoma Governor’s Prayer Breakfast. Over the course of his career, Dr. Harder has worked with young professionals, elected officials, and policymakers in Washington, D.C., and developed leadership conferences for faith and community leaders held in Central Asia, West Asia, and Eastern Europe.

    ©2020 Dr. Joel W. Harder (P)2020 Dr. Joel W. Harder

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