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Couverture de When I Come Around

When I Come Around

De : Karen Grey
Lu par : Amanda Stribling, Ryan Lee Dunlap
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    1999 goals: Get a life, get real and get a room.

    No one ever said I was the brightest bulb on the tree, but a near-death experience finally knocks some sense into my thick head.

    Luckily, my jerk of an ex washes his hands of me, but I'm left with so many burnt bridges to rebuild. Landing a job on any movie or TV show that'll have me has to be my #1 priority. Thankfully, my life-long friends still love me enough to help.

    When the one I always wished could be more than a friend shows up on my doorstep, however, all my good intentions go right out the window. Before I know it, I've convinced him that an out-of-town, friends-with-benefits deal will be the perfect way to get over each other.

    Is it another in a long line of bad decisions, or a move that'll turn things around? 110 percent, I hope he can handle the truth.

    Fans of 90s TV shows, from Friends to Freaks and Geeks, will love this second chance, friends-to-lovers, retro romance, where a grumpy cinnamon roll hero and a wounded bird heroine vie for a happy-ever-after despite interference from meddling found-family friends.

    Note: Content guidance can be found at karengrey dot com slash contentguidance.

    ©2024 Karen Grey (P)2024 Home Cooked Books

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