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  • What’s Lust Got to Do with It?

  • 7 Steps to Breaking the Bondage of Your Past
  • De : Deb Gold
  • Lu par : Lynn Marie Brunk
  • Durée : 4 h et 1 min

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What’s Lust Got to Do with It?

De : Deb Gold
Lu par : Lynn Marie Brunk
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    What's Lust Got To Do With It? is a poignant, raw, tell-all autobiography recounting four generations of sexual abuse and trauma that will leave the listener in awe of how God stepped in to intervene and break the cycles of abuse. Deb was a shattered 14-year-old girl on the run. At the tender age of 15, she was standing on a bridge, preparing to jump and end not just her life but the life of her unborn child, when God's Voice stopped her in her tracks.

    Dr. Deb’s life-shattering past should have destroyed her, but God had a different plan. The consequences of deep-rooted lust in Dr. Gold's family tree had affected all her relationships. Perhaps you have experienced this pain. If you have been a victim of lust, rape, incest, molestation, or adultery or are addicted to pornography, this book is a must-listen! "What's Lust Got To Do With It?" is a book of inspiration, hope, and redemption and includes a 7-step teaching guide that offers self-care tools to begin your process of healing and recovery.

    ©2023, 2024 Dr. Deborah Wiley Gold (P)2024 Dr. Deborah Wiley Gold

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