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Couverture de What the Heal

What the Heal

De : Tia Warrick
Lu par : Tia Warrick
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    In the captivating book, "What the Heal," Tia Warrick fearlessly invites listeners into the intricate tapestry of her life, woven with the threads of a first-generation immigrant Caribbean family. With unflinching honesty, she reveals the complexities of a journey marked by drama, lies, secrets, infidelity, struggle, and triumph.

    As a narrator of her own story, Tia provides an intimate look into the heart of her family relationships, painting a vivid picture of the chaos and dysfunction that characterized her upbringing. It is a tale of resilience, strength, and the profound impact such an environment can have on an individual's trajectory.

    The title, "What the Heal," is a moving play on words, encapsulating the dual nature of Tia's narrative. It speaks to the bewildering experiences that left scars on her soul, prompting the listener to exclaim, "What the...?!" Yet, within this expression of pain lies the essence of the following healing journey. Tia's narrative is about unraveling the wounds, the transformative power of healing, and the triumph that emerges from the ashes of adversity.

    Prepare to embark on a raw, poignant, and uplifting journey—a journey through the highs and lows of life, where wounds become scars, and the human spirit emerges resilient and triumphant.

    ©2024 Tia Warrick (P)2024 Tia Warrick

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